Albania |
1 year(s) |
Up to 5 years |
$315 USD per month (prove that you earn at least $9,800 per year) |
Health Insurance (least 30,000€) |
Yes, PR after 5 years |
Anguilla |
1 year(s) |
No |
Amount not specified |
Not specified |
Yes |
Antigua & Barbuda |
2 year(s) |
No |
Minimum income of $50,000 USD or more |
No Data Available |
Yes |
Armenia |
5 year(s) |
Up to 5 years |
Amount not specified |
No Data Available |
Yes |
Bahamas |
1 year(s) |
Up to 3 years |
Amount not specified |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record |
Yes |
Barbados |
1 year(s) |
Up to 1 year |
Minimum income of $50,000 USD or more |
Health Insurance,Family Status Proof |
Yes |
Belize |
0.5 year(s) |
No |
Minimum income of $75,000 USD or more |
Travel Insurance (least 50,000$), Clean Criminal Record |
Yes |
Bermuda |
1 year(s) |
No |
Amount not specified |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record |
Yes |
Brazil |
1 year(s) |
Up to 1 year |
US$ 1,500 or have $18,000 in the bank |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record |
Yes |
Cape Verde |
0.5 year(s) |
Up to 0.5 years |
1,500€ Average Bank Balance |
Only for (from countries of Europe, North America, Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), or Economic Community of West African States (CEDEAO) citizens) |
Yes |
Cayman Islands |
2 year(s) |
Up to 2 years |
Minimum income of $100,000 per year or more |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record |
Yes |
Colombia |
2 year(s) |
Up to 2 years |
$1,100/month |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record |
Yes |
Costa Rica |
1 year(s) |
Up to 1 year |
USD $3,000 (Single)/$4,000(Family) per Month |
Health Insurance |
Yes |
Curaçao |
0.5 year(s) |
Up to 0.5 years |
Amount not specified |
Yes |
Yes |
Cyprus |
1 year(s) |
Up to 2 years |
3,500€ (Single)/4,200€(spouse) per Month |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record, Accommodation Record |
Yes |
Czech |
1 year(s) |
Up to 2 years |
$2,730 per month |
Hold a Degree in IT or STEM, Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record. (Only for United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea citizens) |
Yes |
Dominica |
1.5 year(s) |
No |
Minimum income of $50,000 per year or more |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record |
Yes |
Ecuador |
2 year(s) |
Up to 2 years |
USD $1,380 (Single)/$250(extra for each dependent) per Month |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record (Citizens not eligible are Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Cameroon, North Korea, Cuba, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Philippines, Gambia, Ghana, India, Iraq, Iran, Kenya, Libya, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, Syria, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Vietnam, and Yemen) |
Yes |
El Salvador |
2 year(s) |
Up to 2 years |
US$ 1,460 per Month |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record |
Yes |
Estonia |
1 year(s) |
No |
4,500€ gross per Month |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record, Accommodation Record |
No |
Georgia |
1 year(s) |
Up to 1 year |
US$ 2,000 or have $24,000 in the bank |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record, Accommodation Record |
No |
Germany |
3 year(s) |
No |
€1,280 per month or roughly €9,000 per year |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record, Accommodation Record |
Yes |
Greece |
1 year(s) |
Up to 2 years |
3,500€ (Single)/4,200€(for spouse) per Month |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record, Accommodation Record |
Yes |
Grenada |
1 year(s) |
Up to 1 year |
Prove that you earn at least $37,000 per year |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record |
Yes |
Hungary |
1 year(s) |
Up to 1 year |
3,000€ net per month |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record, Accommodation Record |
Yes |
Iceland |
0.5 year(s) |
No |
US$ 7,700 per month |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record |
No |
Indonesia |
1 year(s) |
Up to 1 year |
Prove that you earn at least $60,000 per year and have $2,000 USD in the bank for at least three months |
Accommodation Record, (Citizens are not eligible: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Guinea, Israel, Kosovo, Liberia, Nigeria, North Korea, and Somalia) |
No |
Italy |
1 year(s) |
Up to 5 years |
3,153€ (Single)/3,425€(for family of 3) per Month |
Highly Skilled Worker with 6 months exprience, Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record, Accommodation Record |
Yes |
Japan |
0.5 year(s) |
No |
Minimum income of $68,300 per year or more |
Health Insurance of $68,300 USD for the duration of your stay in Japan |
Yes |
Latvia |
1 year(s) |
Up to 1 year |
€3,843 per month |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record, Accommodation Record, OECD employing company or self-employed business mandatory |
Yes |
Malaysia |
1 year(s) |
Up to 1 year |
Minimum income of $24,000 per year or more |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record, Accommodation Record |
Yes |
Malta |
1 year(s) |
Up to 4 years |
€3,843 per month or least 42,000€ per year (gross tax) |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record, Accommodation Record |
Yes |
Mauritius |
1 year(s) |
Up to 1 year |
$1,500 (Single)/$3,000(spouse) per Month |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record and citizens of these 114 Countries are eligible. |
Yes |
Montenegro |
2 year(s) |
Up to 2 years |
1,600€ per month |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record, Accommodation Record |
Yes |
Mexico |
2 year(s) |
Up to 2 years |
$3,275 USD per month and a minimum bank balance of $54,600 USD net for the last 12 months |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record, Accommodation Record |
Yes |
Montserrat |
1 year(s) |
Up to 2 years |
Minimum income of $70,000 per year or more |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record, Accommodation Record |
No |
Namibia |
0.5 year(s) |
Up to 0.5 years |
$2,000 (Single)/$3,000(spouse) per Month |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record |
Yes |
Panama |
0.75 year(s) |
Up to 0.75 years |
US$ 3,000 per month |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record |
Yes |
Peru |
1 year(s) |
No data |
No data available |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record |
No data available |
Portugal |
1 year(s) |
Up to 4 years |
€3,480 (Single)/€3,915(spouse) per Month |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record |
Yes |
Romania |
1 year(s) |
Up to 1 year |
3,300€ per month |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record |
Yes |
Seychelles |
1 year(s) |
No |
Amount not specified |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record, Accommodation Record |
Yes |
South Africa |
1 year(s) |
Up to 1 year |
US$ 5,400 |
Yes |
Yes |
South Korea |
1 year(s) |
Up to 1 year |
Minimum income of $37,000 per year or more |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record, Accommodation Record |
Yes |
Spain |
1 year(s) |
Up to 5 years |
2,762€ (Single)/3,797€(spouse) per Month |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record |
Yes |
Sri Lanka |
1 year(s) |
Up to 5 years |
US$ 2,000 per month |
Health Insurance |
Yes |
Turkey |
1 year(s) |
Up to 1 year |
$3,000 USD per month or Minimum income of $36,000 per year or more |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record, Accommodation Record |
Yes |
1 year(s) |
Up to 1 year |
US$ 3,500 |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record, Accommodation Record |
No |
Uruguay |
0.5 year(s) |
0.5 years |
US$ 1,500 Per month |
Health Insurance, Clean Criminal Record, Accommodation Record |
Yes |